Bermuda Sod Grass


Bermuda sod grass is one of the most popular choices for warmer weather climates. Part of the reason for this is its ability to withstand heat. In fact, this type of grass is even ideal for potential drought conditions; it is one of the best choices for these conditions actually.

Although Bermuda grass is ideal for aggressive ground coverage, this can be its downfall as well. It can be such an aggressive grower, in fact, that it can take over nearby flower beds, earning it the nickname “devil grass.”

Due to its ability to establish and grow quickly, as well as be tough, this is also a popular choice for sports fields. This obviously means Bermuda grass is a great choice for your own yard if it will be seeing high traffic and outdoor use.

Bermuda grass is a popular choice for lawns, but it requires more care than other types of grass. Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that grows best in hot climates. It requires high levels of sunlight and water to thrive, so it’s important to follow proper bermuda grass care practices so your lawn stays healthy and vibrant.

Bermuda Grass Care Tips

Watering: Bermuda grass needs frequent watering, especially during the summer months when temperatures soar. Water your Bermuda grass at least once per week to keep it hydrated and healthy. You should water deeply enough that water penetrates the soil 1/2 inch or more and runs off slowly after watering. If you have problems with excessive runoff or shallow root systems, consider installing French drains around your property or installing an automatic irrigation system with drip lines underneath your Bermuda grass.

Mowing: Mow your Bermuda grass short (about 2 inches) every 7 days during its active growth period (April through September). During the winter months when it is dormant, mow it shorter (1 inch) every 3 weeks or so until spring arrives again.

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